Is Your Liver Overworked? Lighten the Load with Liver Detox

Bloat, fatigue and foggy thinking are signs of a stressed liver. Multi-benefit Liver Detox fights toxins and supports liver function so you feel healthy and energized.

Clinically studied milk thistle reaches optimal plasma levels in JUST 1 HOUR!

  • Supports healthy liver function†
  • Aids in flushing out waste and fatty deposits†
  • Promotes an active metabolism†
  • Promotes healthy digestion†
  • Supports liver enzyme balance†
  • Supports natural liver regeneration†


Flush out toxins and waste more efficiently to feel lighter and more energized

LESS Liver Stress

Aid the release of fatty buildup and help neutralize inflammation and oxidation

MORE Energy

Support the liver in converting dietary fat to pure, fat-burning fuel

When Your Liver Struggles, You Struggle

Your liver works 24/7 for you. The largest internal organ in your body, the liver carries out 500 chemical reactions that support metabolism, digestion, blood clotting, skin and muscle health, and even mood.

Best known for its powerful life-saving filtration, this hard-working organ cleans blood and removes impurities like alcohol, drug residue, and harmful bacteria through waste. The liver produces enzymes that activate chemical reactions, and bile to aid absorption of dietary fats and other nutrients used for energy. The liver is a storage facility for fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K for on-demand use, and a blood-clotting protein factory for minimizing bleeding and bruising.

When the liver can’t break down fat and perform its duties, you feel tired, achy, bloated, moody, and unwell… but can’t pinpoint why. Weighed down by toxins, fatty deposits, inflammation, and oxidative stress, liver cells can’t keep up.

Signs Your Liver is Overworked:

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Constipation and bloating
  • Body aches
  • Irritability and moodiness
  • Foggy thinking and memory
  • Skin irritation
  • Sleep troubles

Nature’s Powerful Antidote to Toxic and Fatty Buildup

From Mount Sinai to the Department of Health and Human Services, these respected medical organizations have reported on the benefits of milk thistle for liver support. This ancient herbal remedy is backed by 2,000 years of use and over 550 clinical studies and reports related to liver health alone.

Native to the Mediterranean, milk thistle draws its potency from silybin, the bioactive flavonoids in the prickly flowering plant. Research shows that these pharmacological compounds can help extend the life of healthy liver cells, reduce the effects of fatty liver, and detox the liver of inflammatory and oxidative waste.

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Milk Thistle is Powerful… But Terribly Absorbed

The natural strength of an extract is no guarantee of absorption and bioavailability. The gut is a harsh environment that destroys milk thistle’s silybin compounds before they can accumulate to beneficial levels. Very little survives digestion to enter the bloodstream.

Milk thistle supplements have skyrocketed in popularity recently. But most extracts are D.O.A… DEAD ON ABSORPTION.

Generic, low-cost milk thistle supplements contain crude, average-quality milk thistle with poor intestinal absorption… this drastically reduces the level of active properties available for circulation.

Introducing Liver Detox with Patented, Rapid Absorption Milk Thistle Extract

LIVER DETOX by InnerThera is a science-backed formula that recharges liver health safely and effectively. It’s expertly formulated with Siliphos® milk thistle, the ONLY bioavailable silybin extract clinically shown to reach peak absorption in just 1 HOUR after a single dose.

Clinically studied Siliphos® fights liver stress, optimizes liver function, and supports balanced liver enzymes. It has also been shown to support insulin sensitivity.

This botanical powerhouse features pioneering Phytosome™ technology, a food-grade delivery system that protects and helps the gut rapidly absorb silybin before it degrades. In clinical studies, the liver-protective compounds were detected in blood plasma within minutes, reached peak levels in 1 hour, and remained stable for 6 hours.

Liver Detox - InnerThera

Liver Detox Supports 4 Pillars of Healthy Liver Function

Liver Detoxification

Metabolic Energy

Nutrient Storage

Protein Production

4 Powerful Purifiers That Support Detox and Regeneration

Expertly formulated LIVER DETOX delivers 4 synergistic phytonutrients and vitamins that are clinically effective at supporting the 4 key pillars of healthy liver function. By helping to eliminate toxins from the blood, our potent formula can make your overall health and everyday living noticeably better:

  • Boost energy
  • Reduce bloat
  • Boost digestion
  • Fire-up metabolism
  • Enhance cognition
  • Balance mood

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What’s Inside

Siliphos® Milk Thistle Extract - 360 mg Patented, clinically studied botanical delivers superior bioabsorption with patented, food-grade Phytosome™ technology. The plant’s concentrated silybin compounds have been traditionally used to support liver health.

Milk Thistle Benefits: fights oxidation and inflammation of liver tissue for optimal health and function.
VitaCholine® - 175 mg The premier, gold standard choline trusted for use in infant formulas, prenatal vitamins, and fortified foods. Choline is an essential nutrient naturally produced in the liver that supports cleansing and metabolism.

Choline Benefits: helps clear fatty build-up from liver cells and transports fat from liver to cells for energy creation.
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) - 300 mg The supplement form of cysteine, an amino acid and vital precursor for the production of glutathione, the body’s “master antioxidant” found in virtually every cell. Glutathione is synthesized in the liver.

NAC Benefits: combats cellular damage and helps rid the body of toxins, pollution, and free radicals.
Alpha Lipoic Acid - 300 mg This potent amino acid plus antioxidant has a restorative effect on liver cells and works with NAC to support glutathione synthesis. Alpha lipoic acid is an important cofactor for maintaining healthy metabolic activity.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits: creates energy, supports liver regeneration, and supports balanced blood lipid levels.

What Our Customers Say

My NAFLD improved on this product. “I have seen great improvement while taking the liver detox and feel much better. Price is a tad bit higher then what I was taking but the results are much much better on this product. I want to try their other blood sugar product next.”†

Justin P.

So far so good. “Decided to give this as try after getting diagnosed with NAFLD after having a scan for another illness. My doctor said Milk Thistle is good for liver health. I did research on Siliphos and the studies looked great. Will follow back up with additional feedback.”†

Tori S.

Great Product. “Would buy again”†

Bob S.

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Feel Lighter, Healthier and More Energetic, GUARANTEED… or Your Money Back

Why Trust InnerThera?

At InnerThera, we create science-backed, results-felt wellness formulas that you can’t imagine going a day without. We don’t fight age. We build the foundation for youthful aging with biocompatible nutrition that helps you feel younger and stronger, longer.

Get to Know InnerThera Liver Detox

How does InnerThera Liver Detox work?

The largest organ in the human body, your liver assists with over 500 vital functions that keep you healthy and energized.

InnerThera was scientifically formulated with four of the most potent ingredients that aid liver health: milk thistle, choline and amino acids ALA and NAC. Together, they help neutralize inflammation and oxidation to optimize 4 key pillars of healthy liver function:

•Detoxification– Aids blood filtration and bile production to remove waste, toxins, cholesterol and bacteria.

•Metabolic Energy–Transforms dietary fat into fuel that powers cellular activity and maintains steady blood sugars.

•Nutrient Storage–Stores and metabolizes certain fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, and excess glucose.

•Protein Synthesis–Manufacturesproteins and enzymes used to carry out vital functions and build cells, blood and bile.

Can I take this product every day?

Yes, InnerThera Liver Detox was formulated to nourish your liver safely and effectively with high-quality ingredients at science-backed doses that work organically with your body to maintain optimal function.  

Is InnerThera a brand I can trust?

Yes! Our collective experience in healthcare, education and nutritional innovation in the U.S. spans decades. And our dedication to delivering premium nutritional supplements that meet the highest standards of quality and efficacy will be our legacy. 

When you buy a product from InnerThera, you get more than capsules in a bottle – you get the best sourcing, technologies, value, and most importantly, our commitment to delivering an effective natural solution and honest customer experience.